Point Inspiration

From the Inbox:

Hi There JP,

Love your blog, very cool boards indeed, I have put a few guys onto your site and they are stoked to see what you guys get up to. Especially the retro tragics amongst them : )

I do a bit of airbrushing when time allows, mainly my own boards and canvas work more recently. I had a friend ask me to spray up a display board for him, with anything I liked on it. After much head scratching and searching, I stubbled across some photos posted on your site that struck a chord and decided to lay-down a Mexican dream line-up on the deck. Please see the result attached.

Source of inspiration

– Freehand airbrushed on the glass
– Automotive base coats
– Around 4 days work to complete


Luke Hallam – Munch Design

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  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2008

    nailed it!

  • pushingtide
    July 25, 2008


  • Scribbles
    July 25, 2008

    I did a double take and thought that the first photo was a crop of the second. That is a rad board!

  • M3
    July 25, 2008

    “The Wall?”

    Too bad it’s such a crap shoot making it down there these days.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2008

    Amazing work, man! Stunning!

  • j rumas
    July 26, 2008


  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2008

    amazing, but too bad the owner felt it necessary to put a logo sticker all over it at the nose area