Illinois Tube Charger

New from the inbox–This nice sequence of Tim Garrow surfing Mainland Mexico on a Campbell Bros Bonzer5. Tim has a PHD from Davis in Nutritional Biology and a career in academia researching the mysteries of Protein Synthesis. He and his family ended up in Illinois, Champagne-Urbana to be exact, where Tim is on the faculty at the U of Illinois.

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  • R.T.
    June 2, 2008

    after spit exit. nice!

  • Anonymous
    June 2, 2008

    I hope Tim has a rash guard on. Either that or he’s REALLY white from living in Illinois.

  • Ian...
    June 2, 2008

    If you really slow it down, you can see a shark following him throught the barrel the whole time. Spooky.

  • Franco S. Boroughs
    June 2, 2008


  • tim....
    June 2, 2008

    Wow! A few photos to friends and things really get around. I had a blast and thanks for being stoked for me. People should know that a guy named Rubin Pina took the shots. He’s the local pro photographer and an all around great guy. Without the 7′ 2″ B5 bomber aiding my rather large handicap, I would have been a total kook. Thanks Malcom! PS. The rash guard is mandatory for a white guy from Illinois visiting Mexico.

  • Anonymous
    June 2, 2008

    Respect x 2

  • Anonymous
    June 2, 2008

    Inside my head I was thinking “Hmmm, Illinois, Davis, okay, should be a nice small closeout barrel.”

    Then, “Kinda big wave there, made the drop, musta been a fluke. What! He’s pulling in, kook gonna get creamed.”

    Then, as the wave spits, “Bye bye guy, he he he.”

    Then, when he comes out “WTF!”

    Then, after a few more runs through the sequence, “Davis, hmm, Nutritional Biology, hmmm, Illinois, hmmm. Maybe I should consider a change in careers.”

  • warm jet
    June 3, 2008

    tim is also a shores man from early bonzer days.
    campbell site photos