
This is the infamous old/new board that my Dad airbrushed to look like an old waterlogged beater in order to fool this guy’s wife who forbid him from getting new surfboards. He still has this board, but the wife is long gone.

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  • Ian...
    May 7, 2008

    I wonder how billybob would react if the “no new surfboard” policy was handed down to him?

  • Beetlejuice
    May 7, 2008

    Get an “always a surfer” prenup.,I did.

  • Anonymous
    May 7, 2008

    Ingenious and hilarious. I love it!

  • Oceans Rising
    May 7, 2008

    Adios esposa.

    Interesting linguist not. In Spanish the word esposas means wives and handcuffs. The only differentiation between the two meanings is purely contextual.

    The end.

  • Oceans Rising
    May 7, 2008

    “note”, not “not” It’s early and I’ve not eaten breakfast, and there is no damn edit button!

  • Francesco
    May 7, 2008

    what a smart ass!


  • Anonymous
    May 7, 2008

    beetle is right, I got one too. “Now honey, you know that I told you when we met…..”

  • Anonymous
    May 7, 2008

    Wife was anti new board when I was riding a 9-0 triple stringer Phil Edwards. Not wanting to beat it up, I had Robert August shape me a pretty 8-0 triple stringer…she didn’t know the difference until I told her months later…

  • Anonymous
    May 8, 2008


  • Anonymous
    May 8, 2008

    I have always wanted to do that for a new board… next one….