Pierre’s New Super Quiver

For Pierre in France!*
*Correction–French West Indies

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  • billy
    May 20, 2008

    that is F-in’ Nuts! Just wait till the dollar turns around and we will import all your wine and women!

  • Nuno
    May 20, 2008

    jajajajahhh the cheese too!

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    Could have used a few of those fishy fishys yesterday in Epic conditions in Laguna Beach.
    Surf is Epic right now. I over gunned it.

  • Danimal
    May 20, 2008

    wtf! That’s what dreams are made of…

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    Whats the estimated street value? In U.S. dollars.

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    10 X $700 (avg.) = $7,500.00

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    That’s crazy. I wouldn’t know which to ride first, second, third, etc.

    Pierre, can I visit?
    Awesome new quiver.
    You must have a very understanding wife!

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    Hey Anonymous,

    Is that Surfer math?

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    ha! lol surfer math. I had it at $700 per, then adjusted to $750, then thought, nah, $700 and forgot to change the total. Good catch! Obvioulsy I ain’t got the brains to make enough scratch for that quiver!

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    Yeah but what about shipping?

  • Niegà
    May 20, 2008

    …and the customs??


  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008

    that’s just plain excessive. looks like somebody with too much money trying to impress. dulls the impact of obtaining fine gems one at a time.

    and he doesn’t even have a longboard in that quiver, which tells me he has issues as well. no quiver of that size is the least bit complete without at least one board 9′ or longer.

    nice work boys, keep takin thier money!

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008

    those two on the far right have me a lil’ hot and bothered!

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008

    That’s a great quiver. I’m stoked for you. Life is short. Peace.

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008

    yeah, don’t be a jealous hater, he probably has some longboards already.

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008

    What a waste of money. At least 7 of those look to be small wave boards. Cmon, do you really need more than one fishy type board?

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2008

    Maybe he’s leaving for a year on the West African coast and needs a good supply of boards.

    Or has quintuplet sons who all rip.

    OK, he’s just taking advantage of the fact that the dollar seems to be switching places with the Canadian & Aussie dollars and heading for parity with the peso.

  • shacky
    May 23, 2008

    anon 11:21 I surf small waves 90% of the time and get tired of riding the same thing everyday so I have 5 different fishes from 3 different shapers.