Ubiquitous Cutback

Michael Mcfadin, owner and founder of Ubiquity Records, joins the revolution and test drives his new Bonzer 5 shortboard during last week’s combo swell. Note the large ear plug, Mike couldn’t surf for a year due to a series of ear surgeries. Photo by Billy Ackins.

Ubiquity Records YouTube Channel.

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  • Danimal
    March 6, 2008

    turns like that make me reeaaaaally want to throw down some cheese and order a bonzer.

  • Erik Hakon Olson
    March 6, 2008

    Wow… a year off and he hasn’t missed a beat! (Sorry for the cheezy pun…)

    Beautiful cutback.

  • Anonymous
    March 7, 2008

    checks and balances by the funniest group of people on the planet.. love it.

  • jacob
    March 7, 2008

    nomo is a great band.

  • Anonymous
    March 7, 2008

    Just got word that Dane Reynolds is picking up his Bonzer 5 this week Glad to see the pros have entered the fifth demention GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    March 8, 2008

    Why do we need pro to prove bonzer can rip too ???