In the Mist of Summer

Russ Short with Jimmy Peck’s rare 16mm copy of the 1977 surf film In the Mist of Summer starring Russ Short and Dan Flecky surfing around Mainland Mexico.

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  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2008

    Here is the link to purchase a DVD of ‘In tne Mist of Summer’ (circa) 1977 …. This movie really proves the Bonzer works and was ahead of its time….. :Contact surfstylerules for more info…

  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2008

    The only proof I need is my own surfing on insane waves. Proof. Totally cheesy.

  • kaser_one
    March 29, 2008

    i had the pleasure of riding a Russ Short Light vehicle for the past 2 days in OH beachbreak barrels and was completely satisfied on the function/performance of the board.

    don’t need to prove me nuthin, that board rox!

    March 29, 2008

    to surfy surfy
    The blog is always checked to pleasure. I am surprised in it to check the logo of our SURF SHOP in this film case. If there is detailed information, please let me know. Moreover, information pleasant from now on is expected.


  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2008

    Hey totally cheesy the next time youre on one of those insane waves think of how much faster you could be going on a board that was light years ahead of everybody, you might even
    look like a good surfer not a cheesy one!


  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2008

    Sir, I ride bonzers. – Totally cheesy

  • brandon
    March 31, 2008

    the proof is in riding one. i have seen russ ride. enough said.
    the Campbells are geniuses.

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2008

    I think everyone’s missing the point of this movie … Its just a historical piece..Its not a commercial on whether you should or should not buy a Bonzer..
    This movie shows the work of a young Malcolm Campbell.. At age 24 in 1977 ( remember,just few years earlier he was shaping with a shear foam in his garage ) were constanly working on board design, and this shows some of his work… Enjoy..