Gary Hanel and Campbell Brothers surfboards for France. French lineup photos courtesy of Billy Bob, The France Infiltrator who surfs their waves and marries their Parisian women.
funny i was just checking the surf in france 2 seconds ago and its flat today. Nice shots JP i remember thoes 2 days they were shot in the same week but 2 years apart. The top shot is La Piste in Capbreton, bottom is Kalani Rob at Hossegor. Man i love that place!
it’s nice that Moonlight can keep selling hand-crafted surfboards for full USD price while the US market spirals downward. with the rising xots of labor and production in Asia, and the continued drop in value of the USD it won’t be too much longer before producing in the USA will be an affordable option for other countries.
is that how u pack board ? us$35.00 per board n packed with plastic bag n NO BUBBLE WRAP ? Now u got me worry for my 5 boards u shd be shipping out in 2-3 months time …
Don’t worry about the packing for the boards! do you think they would show bubble wrapped boards in the photos? oh look at the nice bonzer well it really is nice under that bubble wrap. I have received numerious boards packed by Sally and to say that they are bulletproof would be an understatement. Stop whining like a little bitch and be happy that moonlight makes the effort they do to get you your 5 boards where ever you are in prestine condition.
Received two boards from Moonlight safe and perfectly packed here in Europe… Do you think they want those beauties to be ruined during shipping?, they take a lot of work and love to be done so i guess Sally loves your boards more than you do!
Who's Your Daddy
February 21, 2008I like the pigdog barrel in the last pic. It’s been a while…
February 21, 2008I love that beige GH. Do you recall the dims of it? Thanks.
February 21, 2008funny i was just checking the surf in france 2 seconds ago and its flat today. Nice shots JP i remember thoes 2 days they were shot in the same week but 2 years apart. The top shot is La Piste in Capbreton, bottom is Kalani Rob at Hossegor. Man i love that place!
February 21, 2008current exchange rate Euro = 1.48129 USD
it’s nice that Moonlight can keep selling hand-crafted surfboards for full USD price while the US market spirals downward. with the rising xots of labor and production in Asia, and the continued drop in value of the USD it won’t be too much longer before producing in the USA will be an affordable option for other countries.
this is happening already.
February 21, 2008ahh oui, hossegor, je reviendrai
the packing at moonlight is first rate. those boards will arrive unscathed.
February 22, 2008Nice looking waves. Thanks for posting these French thangs. Reminds me of home.
February 22, 2008is that how u pack board ? us$35.00 per board n packed with plastic bag n NO BUBBLE WRAP ? Now u got me worry for my 5 boards u shd be shipping out in 2-3 months time …
February 22, 2008For France?
I see the fiberglass
Where are the eggs?
February 22, 2008Don’t worry about the packing for the boards! do you think they would show bubble wrapped boards in the photos? oh look at the nice bonzer well it really is nice under that bubble wrap.
I have received numerious boards packed by Sally and to say that they are bulletproof would be an understatement.
Stop whining like a little bitch and be happy that moonlight makes the effort they do to get you your 5 boards where ever you are in prestine condition.
Packing Inspector
February 22, 2008There is no one, and I mean NO ONE, who packs boards better than Sally at Moonlight.
moon mom
February 22, 2008Multiple shortboards are packed at Moonlight Glassing for $20.00 each.
Coque A.
February 22, 2008Received two boards from Moonlight safe and perfectly packed here in Europe… Do you think they want those beauties to be ruined during shipping?, they take a lot of work and love to be done so i guess Sally loves your boards more than you do!
Stop whinning anonymously and go surfing!
February 23, 2008The boards pictured on the floor are not how they are shipped out in the boxes. Chill.
February 23, 2008Note the giant roll of bubble pack in photo #3.