This Surfboard has been painted Green

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  • Miles
    January 29, 2008

    i believe that’s known as the very vibrant KELLY GREEN! (considered by some uptight individuals to be garish) awesome! hey JP some friends and i have succumb to the surf blog craze…

    with the weather being so poo lately it’s hard to get decent water shots to post… in time

  • southcoastsurfer
    January 29, 2008

    It’s actually called “St. Pierre Clipboard Green”.

    I should know, it’s my board 🙂

  • Ian...
    January 29, 2008

    Green boards ride the best. True story.

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2008

    Why was this airbrushed instead of resin tint?

    I’m trying to learn more about the use of each method.

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2008

    jp explain airbrush vs pigment for me too

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2008

    resin tint cost more kimosabe

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2008


  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2008

    when cost is no object some get airbrush why is it ever better. Question to Jp not the 34 year old boogie boarder that got really into surfing lately.

  • thirtysomethingsponger
    January 29, 2008

    is it ever better? got really into surfing lately? Stay in high school you kooky teenager.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2008

    i like opaque colors for uv protection – i keep my boards a long time. it seems like airbrush fades easier than opaque glassing as well. i know some attribute more weight to opaque glass jobs though.

    there are so many ways to sort this out depending on personal prefferences or priorities – just like there are so many ways to ride a wave. consider the factors from the sourses you give credence then just do it your way and be happy! if you want maybe try it different another time and keep the local surfing labor shaping squgeeingand polishing

    by the way – i do really like bright green like that or yellow so i can find em fast in the soup.

  • tone~
    January 30, 2008

    I’ve been told airbrush is lighter than resin tints(heresay); however, resin tint provides more protection in the long term from UV damage/board fade. Personal choice I guess. Myself – sick resin tints no matter what color it is, is the only way to fly. Fish me green, yellow or red…jammin, I’d be stoked!

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2008

    Airbrushing is more prone to delamination compared to resin tints because the paint doesn’t bond to the foam as well as resin does.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2008

    The above is a myth.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2008

    I have a supah kewl Matt Calvani Bing Quad Green with Gold Fins. I call it my Snoop Deville green for the money gold for the honeys. Yeah I’m a dork!

  • bishop-don-magic-juan
    January 31, 2008

    Green for the money gold for the honeys.. you have been watching to much “American Pimp” turn off your TV and go surfing.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2008

    so how about a short disertation by moonlight on the merrits and considerations regarding surfboard color options