Skinny Dave’s Life of Action and Adventure in Surfboard Construction and Techniques

When you need your board boxed and you are feeling out foxed, call Skinny Dave.

When you are grinnin’ because your board needs ah finnin’, call Skinny Dave.

When you are doubtin’ your skills at routin’, call Skinny Dave.

Skinny Dave! Skinny Dave! Skinny Dave!

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  • Ian...
    January 2, 2008

    What about…

    When you dropped your board off in early December, and your not sure if he remembers,
    and what you thought was an easy trailer, has turned into a failure, call Justin and tell him to check on it with Skinny Dave again and he’ll say “Dude, he probably forgot.”

    So if you were wondering what that mint green …Lost RNF was doing on the racks back there, that’s the one.

  • Anonymous
    January 2, 2008

    alls i know is im stoked to have RFE finnin’ my sweet ambrose sputnik.


  • Bob
    January 2, 2008


  • Tim
    January 2, 2008

    Dave has now reached true underground internet cult status. Surfy Surfy makes ’em and breaks ’em!

  • lagball
    January 3, 2008

    Guys my brother saw his bonzer 5 over Christmas and was speechless. My girlfriend made him a custom board bag. Hand made down to the bacon fins. Thanks

  • pointsurfbaja
    January 3, 2008

    I’m doubtin about routin. Will Skinny Dave be in the Moon unit tomorrow?

  • Anonymous
    January 3, 2008

    I’ve seen Skinny Dave cruisen his F.B.I. van past mainstream society on the P.C.H., creep past the old man crew on the cliff, and shred the lefts at Terra Mar while the knuckleheads struggle for the sets & scraps. He is silent and scrappy.

  • Ian...
    January 3, 2008

    No love lost for Skinny Dave, I just want back my little green love slave.

    *this song copyrighted for Sony Music 2008

  • rfe
    January 3, 2008

    Sarcasm makes for crooked fins…even little trailers. 🙂


  • Ian...
    January 11, 2008

    Thanks Skinny Dave!