The Main Attraction

Shawn Ambrose makes surfboards and other stuff.

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  • brownfish
    December 20, 2007

    Yes, the itch is almost becoming unbearable. Almost picked up one of the used EPS Sputniks that Shawn listed and has in the shop, but felt it might have just a touch too little volume. I’m thinking your new Sputnik with the Resin-X just may be the board of the future. Someone should jump on that used Sputnik quad he’s got, it’s a pretty good deal.

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2007

    the beautiful girl holding the board in the last pic is 100% the main attraction. wowzer!

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2007

    im stoked my photos of shaun shaping were good enough to make the blog. i cant wait to try the resinX/sputnik combo, brownfish, you’ll need to try mine out, just like you need to try my hull.

    -drad (i lost my blogging password)

  • J.P.
    December 20, 2007

    Drad, I owe you an apology. I had the most epic photo of Shawn, Gary and Matt glassing your new board with Resin-X and I accidentally deleted the whole file the next morning. I am beside myself.

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2007

    Where your safety glasses so you can still shape boards… seriously!

  • pinliner
    December 20, 2007

    As the art of surfboard making gets diluted into just another big biz cesspool. Guys like Shawn keep me from throwing in the towel. Thanks Shawn

  • clayfin
    December 20, 2007

    Shawn is the real deal and Real Surf is thee best shop in Oceanside.

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2007

    You guys are all barns…

  • s.a.
    December 20, 2007

    uummm —

    interesting choice of wording there j.p.

    it’s all about lifestyle to me, I guess I really just enjoy makin shit, and surrounding myself with likeminded thinkers. glad I finally landed at the moonbase. the only question I have is what took me so long??!!

    so many good things to come in 08 I can’t hardly stand it — have a safe and happy holidays ladies and germs– and always swim and surf near a manned lifeguard tower — s.a.

  • osama
    December 21, 2007

    I wish to make those two women my 15th and 16th wives.

  • Art Slob
    December 23, 2007

    Bike, board and bass.

    Oh, and the last photo?