Peace on Earth

Merry Christmas from the crew at Moonlight Glassing and thank you for visiting Surfy Surfy.

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  • vasco
    December 24, 2007

    a Merry Christmas to all and thank you for the daily stoke!

  • Miles
    December 24, 2007

    thanks for everything JP! MERRY XMAS!

  • Danny
    December 24, 2007

    Merry Christmas!

  • Lindell
    December 24, 2007

    Merry Christmas!
    Thank you everything over the past year.
    Best wishes in 09!!

  • Ian...
    December 24, 2007

    Merry Christmas to the men (and woman) on the moonbase!

  • Anonymous
    December 24, 2007

    Merry X-mas to all down there and many thanks for always being so kind!!!

  • Rick
    December 24, 2007

    Merry Christmas to all the Moonlight family.
    I really appreciate your wonderful generosity.

    Peter, I’ll be getting in touch with you after the holidays.

    And yes, most definitely,
    “Peace on Earth”

    Rick @ Petco Park

  • Who's Your Daddy
    December 25, 2007

    Happy Holidays to JP and the St. Pierres.

    WYD & the girls!

  • paulo jacinto
    December 25, 2007

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • paulo jacinto
    December 25, 2007

    I wish a merry christmas to all the crew at moon base, and thank you so much for supporting custom surfboards and surfer labor.

  • Nuno
    December 25, 2007

    Thank You for the stoke and for keeping up a blog like this!

    Merry Christmas