Nice 6’5″ Bonzer Surfboard

I love Malcolm Campbell’s pintails. Clean and classy.

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  • Rui
    December 23, 2007

    Simple as it can be…

    Great board. a good one for winter waves

  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2007

    Had it out yesterday in overhead OBSF and could not be happier 🙂 Having a hard time justifying keeping the last Thruster in the quiver. -thanks

  • suffferingsocalsurfer
    December 23, 2007

    overhead? whats overhead mean?

  • Anonymous
    December 24, 2007

    I like it! Never seen a rail color just on the bottom. Clean template…

  • Anonymous
    December 25, 2007

    clean and classy is right. tempted to buy a used step-up thruster but will just save my pennies for one of these…