Surfing During the Apocalypse

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  • Nick
    October 24, 2007


    I just moved from San Clemente to Australia last week. The fires are all over the news here. Good luck to you guys and I hope for the best for you… As a cat owner, I am glad to hear Moon Kitty is out of danger.
    I worked in Carlsbad at El Camino and Palomar Airport Rd. do you know if that area is affected?


  • SOLANAbeach
    October 24, 2007

    We´ve been part of the Encinitas comunity over the last 4 years. Now we´re back in Europe and we cannot help feeling this sadness watching the place I still consider HOME the way it´s burning.

    Our Minds and Hearts are with you, even from this far.



  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2007

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  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2007

    Carlsbad was untouched. Hey JP, you’re not even going to tell us what area code that is?

  • Danny
    October 24, 2007

    It really does look like the apocalypse driving south through Camp Pendleton right now. The fire is across the 5 in some places.

  • J.P.
    October 24, 2007

    The surf photos are of two Encinitas beacbreaks Monday afternoon.

    October 24, 2007

    surfed churches on mon after securing momma and baby at a friends, couple feet ovehead on the sets, howling offshore and 200+ yard long waves.had to take off in the lip ( yes surprisingly there was one ) or paddle half way down the face before getting up to avoid being blown out the back. had chapped lips and a windburn like I normally get in mammoth.

  • Ian...
    October 24, 2007

    How could you walk away from waves like that?

  • kit7873
    October 25, 2007

    Jp and all So Cal bretheren,

    hope all is well down there. Stay safe. We are thinking of you guys up here in San Fran.