Art Swag

We got this big mysterious package in the mail today. It was exciting, what could it possibly be?

Enclosed was this beautiful large glossy print. This thing is top notch, my crappy photo didn’t capture the colors at all.

It was a gift from Sam who runs Santa Cruz Lineup Dot Com, a classy photography website. Check it out

We made Sam a couple of boards recently so I guess he is stoked on them. Thanks for gift Sam. It’s going to look insane in our showroom.

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  • Anonymous
    October 27, 2007

    Killer shots.

    October 27, 2007

    Thanks again for the killer boards. Just a small token to show appreciation for all the hard work.

  • knight rider
    October 27, 2007

    Loving the backlit waves in that gallery. The birds are cool to.