Peace Man

January 1989, Mainland Mexico, a month before my 19th birthday. My good pal Jeff Nelson, swam out with one of those early waterproof yellow point and shoot Kodak cameras. When your bro is on the shoulder with a camera you are faced with two options: throw a shaka or flash a peace sign? I opted for the peace sign and I stand by my decision.

Peace bros!

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  • Jon P.
    February 11, 2007

    Happy Birthday Bro!
    That’s one of my all time favorite pix.
    Beer, Coconuts & the Doors.

  • Vasco
    February 11, 2007

    happy B day!

  • Alexandro
    February 11, 2007

    Happy Birthday, and keep the stoke!

  • billy
    February 11, 2007

    you haven’t changed a bit.

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2007

    happy birthday, tfad.

    any new boards as a gift?


  • Festus Porkmeyer
    February 12, 2007

    Peas –> :

    Actually it’s just one pea and its shadow.

  • Miles
    February 12, 2007


  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2007

    Happy Birthday. Keep Surfy Surfy alive!!!

  • J.P.
    February 12, 2007

    Thanks amigos.

  • Anonymous
    February 13, 2007

    Another cheers to keep SurfySurfy Alive!

    Any other shots of that board?

  • Dental Ding Doc
    October 24, 2007

    Congrats and thanks for the blogity…many minutes of board porn.
    Here’s an addition to the blog list: