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  • Kieran
    September 20, 2006

    I’m no expert, but I’d say that that there is a surf board, no less.

  • Me
    September 20, 2006

    come to me thumb come to me…

  • Roxy Perv
    September 20, 2006

    YOU DID IT!!!!!

  • rob70
    September 20, 2006

    Man, I can’t do that on my 10′ Jacobs.

  • rob70
    September 20, 2006

    I mean the taking the picture part. I got the five. :/

  • billy
    September 20, 2006

    that is photoshopped, no way can you ride the nose on a little bonzer.

  • satan
    September 20, 2006

    billy, you must not know the thumb!! that board does it all

  • billy
    September 20, 2006

    please send me one so I can check it out.

  • J.P.
    September 20, 2006

    It was pretty hard getting those shots. I kept fumbling the camera and got a lot of shots of the beach, sky, water. Everything but the nose ride. In these shots my foot is off where I like to place it on the Thumb. I usually wrap my big toe center over the stringer.

    The Thumb is quickly becoming my favorite all time board.

  • Alan_M
    September 20, 2006

    I can getfive over on my 7′ Takayama Scorpion… why not on the Thumb?

  • Chum
    September 20, 2006

    Last time I tried to take pictures while surfing, my board shot up and broke my nose. It was all the camera’s fault…

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2006

    whatever measures those board?

  • Who's Your Daddy
    September 21, 2006

    Are still surfing with your cape on?

  • J.P.
    September 21, 2006


  • Anonymous
    September 21, 2006

    Who made that board

  • J.P.
    September 21, 2006

    The Thumb was created by Peter St Pierre, this one was finished by Malcolm Campbell. The dims are classified.

  • rob70
    September 23, 2006

    16 comments. The thumb ALMOST tops the number of comments your wife received on her beautiful house design.
