Cliff Notes

Cliff Collinge, early Bonzer pioneer.

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  • froton
    August 17, 2006

    FYI. This board was found in Arizona then ended up on the Big Island of Hawaii. Out of the loop for some 30 years. It’s now being restored and will be in the water again this winter. Stay tuned for photos.

  • billy
    August 17, 2006

    so Rick Kane had it?

  • Who's Your Daddy
    August 17, 2006

    I didn’t realize that a bonzer was used to win the Arizona Big Wave Classic! Sweet!

    As for the pic…thanks JP! It’s great to see the evolution of the boards that have ruined me for all others!

  • Clif
    August 17, 2006

    damn you lads get hold of some sweet boards. nice work … oh, and keep posting the videos (please) … SICK!

  • clif
    August 18, 2006

    Oh yeah, flat over this side of the world …