
How do you plug this thing in?

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  • Doug Rail
    August 18, 2006

    Use a hammer!

  • Who's Your Daddy
    August 18, 2006

    Vat is das?

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2006


  • Who's Your Daddy
    August 18, 2006

    Oh, I’m in love with Polly…I don’t even look at other girls.

    Looks pretty lame to me, though.

  • Who's Your Daddy
    August 18, 2006

    Also, wouldn’t that interfere with the back foot action?

  • Slim
    August 18, 2006

    Ooooooh, SNAP!

  • bettersurfingthroughIT
    August 18, 2006

    that is actually a radar tracking device invented by RebelBoards. Once they get data on the locations you surf they cross reference with the swell heights for those days (to see if you charge) and then they can recommend the optimal board for you. They just sent me a letter saying I need to switch to their 9’10” soft top model.

  • rob70
    August 18, 2006

    STOP! If you plug that into an american socket it’ll short out!

  • pushingtide
    August 18, 2006

    Cell phone/Ipod/Blackberry/Sidekick charger.

  • yergi hyvanaslavinia
    August 19, 2006

    link lasttriptotulsa…….please jp! i mean captain ambeience.

  • Tony
    August 24, 2006

    I’m so confused???????

  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2006

    Carb it bro, Solomon Board Bongs.