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  • warm jet
    July 3, 2006

    If you break it, you must burn it.

  • Pankopf
    July 3, 2006

    Surfboards for the uneducated Redneck!

  • Moondoggie
    July 3, 2006

    God Bless America !
    God Bless Canned Cat Food
    and kitty snackies.

  • Bo Duke
    July 3, 2006

    why does pankopf hate America? bet he plays soccer.

  • warm jet
    July 4, 2006

    It’s beautiful work anyway you look at it.
    All praise the Art Slob,..urgh… I mean the Pinliner.
    Oh America,…she is the unfaithful love of me life and to see her, it’a allways a’breaks a’me hearta.

  • worldbefree
    July 4, 2006

    unfettered nationalism is obnoxious often and evil sometimes

  • J.P.
    July 4, 2006

    The quiver belonged to Taylor Knox, the rest of the boards were for fire fighters.

  • reverb
    July 4, 2006

    …is not “God bless America”, is God bless USA. America is more than just one Country…remember that

  • XPAT
    July 5, 2006

    Soon it will be God bless the “North American Union”

  • normal
    July 14, 2006

    why do you hate freedom?