Need Wax

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  • Uncle T's Acolyte
    March 17, 2006

    Is the third one from the right about 6’3″?

    We wantssss itss yasss precioussss

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2006

    BALSA POD 5?

  • Eric
    March 17, 2006

    Digging on the falsa bonza.

  • J.P.
    March 17, 2006

    The shortboards are for sale at Ventura surf shop, all others pictured are customs.

  • Chum
    March 17, 2006

    Crazy. The orange and blue one has similar color scheme to the broken board a few posts ago. How can I get my feet on one?

  • Kit7873
    March 17, 2006

    I love the olive green one — that board would take me higher!!

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2006

    The falsa balsa looks awesome!
    Simular to the wall hanger @ Ventura surf
    shop, sands the ultra retro logo on the hanger!
    Haven’t seen that one come out of the dust yet ?
    Someone on it, or got it?
    The 70’s space font with just “Bonzer Vehicles” on deck.
    I’m thinking it was a Campbell home glass job ?

  • Padawan
    March 21, 2006

    the olive green one is now mine!

    and Ventura Surf Shop is to be commended for it’s unchanged pricing- $540 w/ fin. Joy!

  • J.P.
    March 21, 2006

    Sweet! VSS was able to keep the cost down a bit because they had a stockpile of their own blanks to give to Malcolm.
    Padawan, I’m recommending that all Bonzer shortboarders try a retrofitted center fin by John Cherry (see the “Lighten Up” post on this blog).