Happy Happy Fun Fish

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  • Realeza
    March 28, 2006

    wow, you guys are always doing something amazing in that shop… is that cloth/paint/resin on the deck?


  • J.P.
    March 29, 2006

    Thanks! That is a fabric inlay, those hepcats at Hobie are pretty groovy.

  • surfnli
    March 29, 2006

    next order i’m going to ask you guys to surprise me with a trippy fabric…everyone you’ve posted has been unreal…

  • Eric
    March 29, 2006

    JP, seems like the cloth would weaken the glass job, having an extra layer between the glass and the foam. Maybe it makes it stronger.


    Looks absolutely killer.

  • J.P.
    March 29, 2006

    The boards with cloth inlays always seem to dent less. The cloth is well saturated and bonds well with foam. It’s like a cheater coat.

  • JerseyJen
    March 29, 2006

    the fabrics people are getting are looking way rad, but I think that ones is my favorite so far.

    I really wanted to get two-tone checkers on the deck of the magenta arc tail I just got but couldn’t find %100 cotton.

    Next board is going to be a quad fishy with “sushi print” fabric. Is the moonbase taking orders for GH again?

  • dookie
    March 29, 2006

    hey, you know what would be cool? Use a Hawaiian shirt!

  • J.P.
    March 30, 2006

    Jen, shoot an e-mail to bonzersurfer@gmail.com about the GH.

    dookie, the tricky part is getting the Hawaiian drunk enough to get him to take his shirt off.