
Malcolm Campbell 1973


Original Campbell Brothers Bonzer 3 fin stub.


“Bumblebee” Bonzer 3 fin model 2005


“Bumblebee” Bonzer 5 fin model 2005
Octafish 5 fin model 2006


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  • chubby
    January 29, 2006

    I want a stubby.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2006

    I always wondered-did he make it?

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2006

    Octafish5 looks way cool.

  • That Guy
    February 3, 2006

    Well-DID he make it ?

  • J.P.
    February 4, 2006

    I guess we will have to ask Malcolm?

  • that guy
    February 5, 2006

    Just curious.I had that pic on my wall for years when I was a kid.

  • Anonymous
    May 1, 2006

    MC ate shit on that one.
    Still looks rad.
    And some serious early age charging.