The UNI 


The Surfy UNI as in Universal.
Handshaped for Surfy Surfy by Mike Slingerland in Encinitas, CA
Built at Moonlight Glassing.
Airbrush, pinline, wetsanded gloss.
5 FCS Fusion boxes for thruster or quad mode.
Soft forgiving rails for easy turning in mushy waves.
Hard edge 12″ up for putting your back foot into the lip on the good ones.
Great paddle and flow.
Fairly neutral bottom with subtle voodoo put in by Slingerland.
Surf the UNI 300 days a year.

current UNI’s available

5’11” x 20 1/2″ x 2 3/4″

6’1″ x 21″ x 2 7/8″

6’3″ x 21 1/4″ x 2 7/8″

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