Tin Ojeda’s Expencive Porno Movie

Expencive Porno Movie from Nothingwillchange on Vimeo.

Tonight is the world premiere of Expencive Porno Movie, an experimental surf film Featuring Dane Peterson, Kassia Meador, Alex Knost, JJ Wessels, Mike DeTemple, Trevor Gordon, Kyle Albers, Devon Howard, Justin Adams, Billy Death Scotty Stopnik, and Jared Mell.
Shot entirely on Super 16 mm film.
Village East Cinema 
189 2nd Ave New York, NY 10003
This is what happens you when are raised on single fins and Tarantino flicks.

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  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2014

    If the whole movie is like the trailer it would make me want to kill myself.

    • Anonymous
      July 24, 2014

      I hope the whole movie is like the trailer!

    • Anonymous
      August 11, 2014

      Maybe u should kill yourslef

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2014

    Does it come with the fins?

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2014

    I sure hope not^^^

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2014

    looks pretty pretentious

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2014

    looks insane !!! .. can’t wait