Surfy Surfy, Inc acquires Billabong International Limited

Leucadia, CA April 1, 2014 –(– We are pleased to announce that the popular surf lifestyle brand Billabong International Limited was acquired by Surfy Surfy, Inc a Leucadia based private equity group. Jean-Paul St. Pierre CEO of Surfy Surfy, Inc said “We are excited to have Billabong as our new partner. Its track record of sourcing and integrating add-on acquisitions will enhance our ability to grow, while continuing to build on our brand’s reputation of market-leading value.” Chief Configuration Coordinator Gianni Almedia also announced, “We are going to take Billabong in a new direction and turn it into an energy drink company.”

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  • Unknown
    April 1, 2014

    You crack me up

  • ML
    April 2, 2014

    Share price of Surfy Surfy dropping- market doesnt like this news 🙂

  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2014

    The future is in dingleberries.

  • Festus Porkmeyer
    April 2, 2014

    How much sleep have you been getting lately?

  • Anonymous
    April 2, 2014

    will they call it bong juice?

  • Anonymous
    April 4, 2014

    What ??????