Duncan Campbell

Tim Orr in Hawaii emailed this shot of Duncan Campbell with Davey Miller’s trusty 7’7″ that Malcolm shaped in 1989. Tim is going to restoration so Duncan can ride it this winter.
Malcolm made me a 6’8″ version of this board in 1990, it was absolutely magic in Mainland Mexico beachbreak and scored few epic California days on it too.
Not sure photos of mine exist. It was left in the hands of a local ripper kid in the Mexico state of Colima in the late 90’s.
We should probably have Malcolm shape a few of these for stock for the shop for surfers seeking heavy water barrels…
*update: Duncan sez, This is the best 7’7″ I’ve ever had. I have been riding this thing every winter since 1989.
  Campbell Brothers TV Heads t-shirt 

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  • Anonymous
    September 1, 2013

    Great idea! I’d love to see a fleet of B5 Bonzer guns. Oh man that’s the stuff that surf dreams are made of.

  • ML
    September 1, 2013

    sick!!!!!! love the davey miller baby swallows

  • ML
    September 1, 2013

    sick!!!!!!! Love the Dabey Miller baby swallow tails

  • Anonymous
    September 1, 2013

    is this guy related to Glen Campbell?

  • Tim in Kona
    September 2, 2013

    Duncan rips & understands.
    He has wisdom beyond the years he’s labored.
    I’m stoked to facilitate & reciprocate.
    Bonzers for life. Praise God. Peace, Love & Light on this Sunday eve.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2013

    i briefly had stewardship of a hot-pink 7’6″ w/ a similar baby swallow. unfortunately, i never got to really put it through it’s paces in the right conditions.
    it’s nice to see a board w/ some age still being ridden.