Keep Leucadia Funky Night at Surfy Surfy Saturday February 2nd

It’s Keep Leucadia Funky Night at Surfy Surfy & “Coffee Coffee”! 

Next generation musicians Austin Burns and the Rest Easy Band will melt your brain with their soulful sonic soundwaves.

Beverages, snacks and shop Bro Deals included.

Art show by local surfer and tattoo artist Jake Unsworth in the coffee shop.

Enter the $5 buck surfboard raffle and win a sweet 5’6″ GH ‘cuda quad Surfy stock surfboard.
*you can buy raffle tickets online, you don’t not need to be present to win: click here
Get yourself a Keep Leucadia Funky t-shirt: clicky click

Our neighbor Bo will play some blues at 6 pm to kick things off.

RSVP on the Facebooks

 Surfy Surfy 974 N. Coast Hwy 101 Leucadia, CA 92024 760-452-7687
Google Map

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  • Eric Mchenry
    February 1, 2013

    I’m going I’ll be dancing my ass off! Stoked.

  • Anonymous
    February 1, 2013

    I hope the $ from the raffle goes to GH’s grandaughter…

    That little girl needs her parents with her and it takes $ to do that.

    dig deep, ya’ll.