Greg Long’s Winter 2012/13 Power Quiver & Cortes Bank Mission Roundup

Shapes by Chris Christenson. Quiver and surf photo swiped from Facebook.
Nice Surfer Mag gallery of the Cortes Bank swell: clicky
Statement #1 from Greg Long regarding his near death experience, via Surfing Mag: clicky 
Statement #2: clicky 
Statement from Garret McNamara via Surfline: clicky

Surfline feature on the 12-21-12 “Apocalypse Swell”: clicky

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  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2012

    Maybe next time McNamara can try to get a few sponsor plugs into the story?

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    classy statement(s) from greg…wish i could say the about gmac, but in everything i’ve heard & read about him, he comes off like a self-absorbed asshat. sad.

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    Yeah, GMACs statement is a bummer.

    There is absolutely no reason to drop in on each other when a) they’re both so conscious of safety, and b) they are out there with only their own crew. Plenty of waves! It’s not like a Thanksgiving day session at Mavs when everyone is on it.

    One thing is for sure. There was no malicious intent here. However..
    It just seems to be an unfortunate outcome of behavior that is consistent with most self-centered dudes. All the efforts to demonstrate a ‘humble’, ‘respectful’ and ‘aloha-filled’ dude just seem to be pushed aside and discredited by an ego that is palpable. “Sorry bro, I didn’t see you” just doesn’t quite hold up here.

    GMACs bio on his own website gives you all you need to know about his vibe. (jeez dude…take it down a notch or two)

    We need more surfing legends like Greg Long. He’s a real class act. I for one will be teaching my kids to be more like Greg…

    I’m glad he’s recovered well, and we all get to watch him go on to push the limits of surfing beyond anything we’ve ever imagined possible.

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    that quiver is insane….. who shped these rockets????

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    Nice boards except for the skull logos. Not appropriate for any adults to own with little kids running around the house.

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    Skulls? I thought that was Sanskrit.

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    It’s a mystical sound of Hindu origin…not a skull

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    His logo has a skull not the airbrush.

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    Maybe instead of skulls he could put a picture with unicorns and puppy dogs on it so it doesn’t offend you.

  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2012

    What do skulls, unicorns and puppy dogs have to do with surfboard labels?

  • Anonymous
    January 1, 2013

    not sure why it is inappropriate. it’s just a piece of anatomy. everyone has one.

  • Anonymous
    January 1, 2013

    Had Gmac been riding a normal surfboard he wouldn’t have been trapped in that Straight Off Adolf line and could have given Greg room.

    Motorized surfboards could be great for surfers with injuries who want to keep the surf stoke going, like the Life Rolls On project or Wounded Warriors. Keep the Wavejet out of critical situations from now on please.

  • Anonymous
    January 2, 2013


  • Anonymous
    January 2, 2013

    Tough guy boards.

  • Anonymous
    January 3, 2013

    When someone drops in on somebody purposely that someone is a snake and a thief. just like if that same someone walks in your house and snakes/steals 25.00 out of your wallet; a f–cking thief! When someone drops in on someone because their not sure if that person is gonna make the wave/drop; and that someone turns up, were All good. But for those mother–cking thief snakes that don’t turn up and keep riding, that is someone who’s stealing. If that snake thief stole 25.00 out of your wallet wouldn’t you knock a few teeth out? I experience Lots of snake thieves around this county, especially these old washed up Pro’s… They are *wanna be paddlers. The guy who has the right of way knows How to paddle! The other f–king thieves are Wanna be paddlers, that’s why they steal, there always in the wrong place, their week paddlers, so they Steal. Moral of story, when someone snakes you and doesn’t turn up Follow them everywhere and yell at em ___________!!
    Or _______ em in the parking lot… one snake at ah time. Making this planet much safer, and a better place now that their gone forever. Truth And Consequences! (I mean what does it TAKE??!!) Just Saying/Venting……. Thanks

    PS – I love when someone drops in on you after an 80 yard plus ride and says, “I’m sorry Bro.” Double PS- If Greg Long would of Died…? Some Serious Karma; And that could have been prevented BY NOT STEALING!

    • Anonymous
      January 3, 2013


    • Anonymous
      January 6, 2013

      Tho I thought you were a little harsh… You make some real good points. Golden Rule. But yea, your right on as far as, I’ve been out with some Pro’s over the years, though I can’t surf better than them I sure did paddle, and out position them. Surfing over 40 years being from Santa Barbara, surfing the Queen & sometimes the Bu, Hoards of thieves.

  • Anonymous
    January 3, 2013

    Man, look at those boards would ya? Things of Beauty!!

    • Anonymous
      January 3, 2013

      I have a couple of His boards at first I thought they were way over priced but I”m here to tell you, worth every penny.