Custom Paipo Bonzer

Here is a cool little machine. A custom paipo 5 fin Bonzer shaped by Malcolm Campbell.
Dims: 4’3″ x 21″ x 2 9/16″
See also The Paipo Society

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  • Kuka Ili Moku
    December 8, 2012

    Paipo’s are rad…James Mitchell from Los Olas Surfboards / Sunset Shapers in SF custom shaped a Paipo for me a year and a 1/2 ago and it is super awesome, real fun ride (both prone and stand up).

  • Tim in Kona
    December 8, 2012

    Super rad Malcolm!
    Cool little unit…looks skatey!
    Peace & aloha from Big Island

  • Unknown
    December 9, 2012

    This one fucking ROCKS.

  • Anonymous
    December 9, 2012

    Shaping for belly, riding with feet.
    This surfboard looks incredibly fun.

  • Anonymous
    December 9, 2012

    (i mean riding every which way)

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2012

    incorrect !!! this is a BONZER SIMZ ! ;-]

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2012

    Malcom this is a excelent example of piapo magic,thank you for your skill.

  • Michael Pedicini
    January 14, 2013


    Owner of above Bonzer. This is my first Bonzer by Malcom. McCystryl shaped my first one then one by Eaton.
    The board ride great, fast etc. Took out the center fin per R. Moynier and created a hole new board. Turns on a dime climbs and drives like no other.

  • Geoffrey Levens
    January 19, 2013

    Dropnin13, so you like even better w/out the center fin or just different like both same???

  • Mike
    February 8, 2013

    I don’t know quite yet. The waves down here are not cooperating. Without the center fin it’s a whole new ride; completely different. I love the way it turns, but it does have a tendency to side slip a little. I’m going to experiment with a 2 3/4″ center fin like the side fins on my Eaton. Get back to you later.

    • Anonymous
      February 26, 2013

      How is this thing riding? You are standing up correct? I would like to order something similar…Is it side slipping too much? Thank you! Real cool!