Big Sandy
Yikes. This thing is a monster. To all our east coast friends, please take care and be safe.
Hurricane Sandy updates on Surfline: click here
Yikes. This thing is a monster. To all our east coast friends, please take care and be safe.
Hurricane Sandy updates on Surfline: click here
October 29, 2012Thanks. It’s a little breezy right now, 80-90mph, but the generator’s humming, the flood waters are at bay, and the beer is cold. Life is good.
Sandwich Jones
October 30, 2012sandy was ultra kind to those of us in SE NC this weekend. tons of great waves. wish she was as kind to the rest of the coast. best of luck to those in her path and wake. thoughts are with you.
October 30, 2012Most of us here in the NE got hammered yesterday. 80+ mph winds with heavy tree damage. Streets are still closed. And the epic Sandy swell arrived with the wind for the most part.
Wish I was in Puerto Rico today instead of cleaning up my yard!
October 30, 2012Be Calm and Surf on
sewa mobil jakarta
October 30, 2012Thanks for the information.
October 30, 2012Check Pump House (Palm Beach FL) tow-ins on YouTube. Whoa!
October 31, 2012Surf in Brevard County FL was Very Good. Even on a non-Florida scale. Some pics at a local page,
November 1, 2012Sandy what a pure crazy storm she was, to the folks on the right coast wish ya all the best. Peace, taco’s & olas. Doug