1990’s Pinlines
Late 1990’s pinline and airbrush work by Peter St Pierre at Moonlight Glassing.
9’1″ Mike Slingerland longboard
5’7″ CI MTF
5’10” CI MTF
Late 1990’s pinline and airbrush work by Peter St Pierre at Moonlight Glassing.
9’1″ Mike Slingerland longboard
5’7″ CI MTF
5’10” CI MTF
August 16, 2012If you only knew the power of the Pinliner! The Paasche VL. This is the weapon of a Pinliner. Not as clumsy or random as a brush; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Pinliner was the guardian of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times… before the GSI.
August 16, 2012Any for sale?
August 17, 2012Smells like Teen Spirit
August 18, 2012Us commenters together are gonna gather up some money so y’all can buy a wax comb! THEN we can see the pinliners…
August 18, 2012I would LOVE to see Pineliners quiver!