Stop by the moon base and saw my old friend moonkitty on Wed, he’s doing good and was hanging with the boyz and talking story, he is a loud little fellow who does like to talk but he’s retiring from the box crush test as the lad looks in good shape, i do have some replacements in the fat cat test if needed though. Peace, friskies & olas. Doug
March 21, 2012I have some boards I need to send overseas…where do you get the boxes for doing that?
March 21, 2012They mill those boxes out of moon cat’s hairballs.
March 21, 2012I crush a lot
March 21, 2012Looks like Moon Kitty feels better… (I hope he does)
March 21, 2012Moon Kitty packs the best! Got my board down to the DR without a scratch!
March 21, 2012Moon Kitty rules!
March 21, 2012loudest cat ever
March 21, 2012Coyote food
March 22, 2012Best packing ever, 4 boards to the UK, not one ding.
March 22, 2012Stop by the moon base and saw my old friend moonkitty on Wed, he’s doing good and was hanging with the boyz and talking story, he is a loud little fellow who does like to talk but he’s retiring from the box crush test as the lad looks in good shape, i do have some replacements in the fat cat test if needed though.
Peace, friskies & olas. Doug
Electric Festus
March 22, 2012Long time no see, you stinky furball.
April 2, 2012miss you moonkitty!