Blind Surfer Derek Rabelo Surfing Pipe

This amazing video is currently circulating the surf universe and blowing minds.

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  • RORER 714
    March 2, 2012

    Best Post Ever!

  • e.
    March 2, 2012

    Wow, that’s incredible! Good on the guy for charging, and good on Makua for bringing out the spirit of Aloha!

  • Tim in Kona
    March 2, 2012

    That’s really awesome!
    He truly feels it.
    Aloha Friday

  • Anonymous
    March 3, 2012

    wow best ever those guys should be recognized way to go

  • Jeremy Rumas
    March 3, 2012

    So awesome

  • Anonymous
    March 3, 2012

    what language is that he is speaking?

  • Anonymous
    March 3, 2012

    Brazilian Portuguese. Which is quite surprising, given he is Brazilian, huh?

  • Anonymous
    March 5, 2012

    Oh yeah, the Rothmans, ever the ambassadors of aloha

  • Anonymous
    March 5, 2012

    I’m a blonde haole with 20/20 vision. I wonder if they will hook me up?

    • Anonymous
      March 5, 2012

      hook u up with one hook to da jaw haole

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2012

      When the Rothmans come to your suburban shithole in inland California are you going to hook them up kook?

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2012

      hook them up with what, more meth?

  • Anonymous
    March 5, 2012

    this might be the only time I have ever thought of the rothmans as nice people. great video

  • Bert
    March 6, 2012

    Is this a marketing campaign for Da Hui, kings of the anti-aloha spirit?

  • Anonymous
    March 7, 2012

    The internet finds ways to be negative about a young blind kid surfing Pipe. Unbelievable. Is it because you can’t surf that well with perfect eyesight?