The Return of Awesomeness

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  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2012

    can I get an eight foot e-wing bonzer funboard?

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2012

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2012

    Surf Culture as Culture


    AnonymousJan 29, 2012 09:38 AM
    The Surf culture if it had any Culture is long gone. That is to say the intellectual, intuitive refined drive that created a wondrous bacteria was sucked dry by the likes of (just name a few ) Stussy, Hurley, Valcum, Quicksilver , etc , etc. Professional Surfing, Capitalist board shapers, surf magazines and kitsch items like puka shells made a mockery and the relationship between man/woman and the aqua blue.

    AnonymousJan 29, 2012 10:12 AM
    I agree that the surf culture “image” has been tapped by capitalists selling the “lifestyle” to people all over the world. You can’t stop them. Can you really blame people for admiring surfers and wanting to dress like a surfer?
    The truth of the matter is…. you can’t buy surfing. You either do it out of pure enjoyment of the liquid dance of the ocean, or you don’t. Real surf culture cannot be bought or sold. It can never die because it lives in all of us who actually surf. The little moments all strung together, our surfing life, our inspiration, passion and CULTURE is very much alive and not for sale.

    Jay@sandiegostateJan 29, 2012 10:55 AM
    Pro surfing Rocks as a culture. Kelly slater rocks. I like my quicksilver board shorts, my hurley shirt. If it wasn’t for them who would fund these great contest that bring the best out of the best. Love live the surf culture.

    G Douglas BarrettFeb 5, 2012 04:56 AM
    “passion and CULTURE is very much alive and not for sale” What bullshit! Total B.S. Passion and CULTURE are for sell. Just open you computer, turn on the boob tube, look at the bill boards, read the newspapers, watch the super bowl, root for your team. Why the hell do you thing people want to dress like surfers? Especially since surfers have zero fashion sense. Because they have been sold a bill of goods. Saying ” passion and Culture are very much alive is a mythopathic response to I wanna be like mike syndrome that has been intravenously dripped into your pathos of a obama hope era

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2012

      Your coment is kindof all over the place…. I don’t spend a lot of time exposed to advertisements, didn’t watch the superbowl and am not sure how Obama got dragged into the mix. When I say “passion and CULTURE are not for sale” what I mean is that they are not tangible items that can be bought or sold. When I was surfing a glassy peak with just two other guys this morning we were stoked enjoying good waves on a beautiful morning…. That is what it’s all about. not the crap they are trying to sell on the “boobtube” or the billboards..

  • Anonymous
    February 5, 2012

    Even our dear Lord Jesus Christ has been packaged and sold in the name of all things untrue. You can’t escape it; and your realization is passionate and is part of the process a lot of us have been through ourselves. Just be thankful that on the right day at the right time you can still find yourself alone with your thought and riding glorious waves, whose very essence emanated from the dawn of creation.

  • Peter La Farge
    February 5, 2012

    Jesus Christ didn’t surf. Although I hear he could walk on water. Remember when you pray one is really asking one self for help or communion because Jesus doesn’t exist ,well maybe in East L.A. Jesus is your own mind that cums and goes like the tide.

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2012

      What Jesus doesn’t exist because you say so? Uh-ok Peterr! ERR!! And was that a racist comment towards latinos when you referenced East L.A. ? Your ignorance begs for your silence! SHUT YOUR YAPPER!!!
      BTW how do you know that Jesus didn’t surf, you said HE didn’t exist. You’re contradicting yourself….you’re the one that can’t surf KOOK, go play frisbee golf or something.

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2012

      you guys suck 🙁

    • Anonymous
      February 7, 2012

      watch i can be racist too:

      east l.a.

  • jesus
    February 6, 2012

    yes i say jesus exists only in your mind. The Bible is a fable. Albeit a good one. A fun read. Like a disney ride.

    I’m a beaner whitey.

    Life is a contradiction, rip von crinkle.

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012


  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    still waiting for an answer to my question about an eight foot e-wing funboard – will Malcolm shape one?

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    Kook for sure

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    kook spelled backwards is kook are referencing your self. Most likely

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    Get an egg, not a funboard. I have a 6’0″ e-wing egg. Super versatile and fum. Mr St Pierre, could you please do something about the off-topic posters? Like erase them, or block them or something?


    • Anonymous
      February 8, 2012

      Christian, I’ve been leaning towards getting an e-wing egg too but not sure of the dimensions for me. What is your height and weight and age? I’ve tried the 6’8″ campbell bros. egg and it seems just a tad big, maybe a 6’6″ would be better. I’m 6’1″, 190lbs, and 56yrs old.

    • Anonymous
      February 14, 2012

      5’10” 150-160 range, 27, busted up shoulder. I ride a 6’0″ x 19 3/4 (I think) x 2 9/16. Works best in my opinion with a round-pin tail. Malcolm does a good job of hiding the thickness too by thinning out the rails, so if I were you I would go for a little shorter and a little thicker. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    “Hey Zues” would surely be riding a Greg Liddle displacement hull. That or probably an Alia.(although I feel the man would dig a finned board for some control)
    The “walking on water” thing is most represented by these designs, I think.
    Just curious if he would be “Pendleton” clad to blend in with the trendy Malloy pseudo Hippie thing, or go
    clean shaven and under the radar?
    The questions? The possibilities?

  • Daniel Coelho
    February 6, 2012

    Hello, follow my blog please, i nedd some friends. If you can put my link in your site i make the same to your. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    Portogeezzee football dude, go home. This is about bonzers and the pursuit of true awesomeness thru wave riding.