Slater on CBS News

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  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011


  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    someone should make a mmovie about Slater’s life, he just keps winning and stuff then he gets some chick pregnant has a daughter then just keepd winning somemore until he’s on the news, rad movie

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    Rad movie? I would rather watch grass grow. Seriously.

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    its surfing. a guy, a board, water. why do we make such big deals outa people that do it so well?


  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    Go Kelly!
    Because he’s a 10 world Champion!

    And you’re NOT!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    heres a suggestion, buy a life and live your own….kook!

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    Go Kelly!
    Because he’s a 10 world Champion!

    And you’re NOT!!!!!!!

    heres a suggestion, buy a life and live your own….kook!

    yea so there ha ha ha

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    I’m in the market for a life. How much for yours?

  • LtSmash
    October 25, 2011

    Kelly has more stoke than anybody on the world ticket and he has Shoulin Monk style that’s why he wins.

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    Not many champions these days deserve respect for who they are outside of their profession but this one does. What a class act.

  • Schmitty
    October 25, 2011

    Does anybody actually call Kelly ‘The King’?

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2011

    is it “king” or the “kid”

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2011

    how much are “lives” going for these days?

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2011

    yeah that would be a rad movie beavis

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2011

    thanks butthead

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2011

    I think you’re thinking of the “King of Pop”

  • Anonymous
    October 27, 2011

    I think his modesty is refreshing. As compared to another recent world champ who is dead. Jes’ sayin’.

  • Anonymous
    October 27, 2011

    surfy surfy shop at Slater’s new wave park in Paris!!! chocolate croissants, absinthe and bonzers! woot!