New Groovy Handplanes
Handmade by some young crafty guys from Santa Cruz, California.
We’ve got 5 in stock right now of various shapes and sizes.
Ventana Surf Co.
Handmade by some young crafty guys from Santa Cruz, California.
We’ve got 5 in stock right now of various shapes and sizes.
Ventana Surf Co.
September 25, 2011nice planes! think they would make some fins for my quadfin reboot? btw, when do you think it’ll be done? tony
September 25, 2011Tony you should be ashamed and embarrassed of your behavior. 🙁
September 27, 2011Straps are in the wrong place.. just sayin’
September 27, 2011They felt good to me.
Surfy Surfy
September 28, 2011You can’t see it in the photos but these handplanes are ergonomically shaped to fit the palm of your hand.
October 1, 2011Amazing craftsmanship! Very unique. I checked them out and I really like how smooth it felt in my hand