Glass-on Tri to Lokbox Quad Conversion
Tony bought this 6’6″ Christenson off Craigslist and brought it to the shop to have our ding surgeon JJR chop off the bamboo glass-on fins (gosh!) and convert it into a Lokbox quad.
If you have any special projects like this in need drop it off at Surfy Surfy and JJR will do it up for you.
September 27, 2011ugg.
September 27, 2011Aren’t there laws?
September 27, 2011That’s worse than the Point Break film remake that’s in the works.
September 27, 2011Nice. I’ve got 2 boards…how much for the conversion?
September 27, 2011Ha I could do that with some solar Rez while sitting in the bed of a moviing pickup
September 27, 2011is it gonna be a five fin bonzer next week?
September 27, 2011it’s done! many thanks to jimmie, jp and summer for helping me realize my vision. and we are hoping to re-use those beautiful tri-fins for another water bound project.
and i did have mixed feelings about doing this, btw. even contacted cc to get his blessing. extra special thanks to surfy surfy blog readers/contributors for puttin up w/ my shenanigans! it was all in the name of good clean fun…tony
September 27, 2011You are forgiven, now go in peace. hahahaha
Surfy Surfy
September 27, 2011I believe the charge for this board was $75.
September 28, 2011Well worth it and Jimmie’s work is unbelievable. Converted a couple of boards for me and always stoked on the service and results……
September 28, 2011I thought the 1st question a shaper asks you is, what fin set up do you want? Then they shape accordingly… I guess now I have to bring in all my Skip Frye’s, keels to single, single to bonzer, 2 + 1 to twin etc : (
Lokbox though?? With the cost of a new CC… Jan 2012 you can convert it to a single, B cheaper $. Seriously though it does take more of a man to try.
let us know in December on that heavy bottom turn @ Blacks or Horseshoes if you miss dat 3fer?? Peace
September 28, 2011Last post just goes to show there are a lot of elitist know-it-all kooks out there. Yeah lokbox…what’s better, FCS? C’mon seriously?
September 28, 2011It’s my board and I can do anything I want…plus Slater won at Tahiti on a quad!
September 29, 2011Flawless work. All for $75? Are you kidding me? What an amazing way to breathe new life and stoke into a board/quiver. Keep life interesting.
September 29, 2011I think that one guy did say, “seriously though’ it takes more of a man to try.” Regarding to your “C’mon seriously?” Lighten up I think He or She was bringing up some, (in a tacky way though,) actually valid points about changing the fins to a shaped board that was designed for those fins. I personally never new that! So i learned from that elitist kook as you called Him, or Her. I do like FCS and Future, so does Ke11y and Machado but what do they and I know? I mean what does Bill Stewart know when he designed future? C’mon seriously?
September 29, 201175 + the fins = ???.00
September 29, 2011if fcs paid you’d ride them too
P.S. screw Bill Stewart.
Surfy Surfy
September 30, 2011Fiberglass set of quad fins for Lokbox is $90-100
Plastic composite set is $50
Marlin’s bamboo quads are $160 but near impossible to get.
October 2, 2011How much to put skateboard trucks on that thing?
October 4, 2011The fins that were on it were super stiff..just glassed on really heavily. I’m expecting a substantial performance enhancement 🙂
October 11, 2011Trash it and go buy a Bill Stewart thruster 🙂