Surfy Surfy team rider Taylor Knox was recently inducted into the
 Surfing Hall of Fame

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  • RLS
    August 12, 2011

    Those are some nice fins at 1:09.

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2011

    congrats taylor! well deserved recognition for one of the most under-rated, yet enjoyable to watch surfers on the tour! hopefully we get many more years of watching taylor surf the wct!

  • Bubbie
    August 12, 2011

    The best turns ever!! Taylor knows how to use his rails better than anyone! Congrats!

  • Rip van sprinkle
    August 12, 2011

    would like to add some egg based humour but alas all yoked out ..an true expression of a power through leverage…those poor fins on his boards don’t stand a chance…Flex, relax,flex – rail spray + momentum = taylor’s style in surfy math..some logic there scrambled in there

  • Muskrat
    August 12, 2011

    Taylor got my vote after watching him carve up J-Bay with a combo of power & style the likes of which very few human surfers have ever displayed there. Congrats Mr Knox.

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2011

    Pause it at 1:39 and drop your jaw at how he made that sucking late drop!!! Congrats for the induction, too. Makes a former North County local proud to see a surfer from Carlsbad make it in.

    Sincerely, Bob Lee

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2011

    If he were a guitarist he’d be Stevie Ray Von

  • SJQuadfish
    August 13, 2011

    Wood fins rock!

  • WarrenC
    August 13, 2011

    God bless Taylor Knox

  • WaveFin
    August 20, 2011


    You can see it here.


    The Original Adjustable Wing Twin Fin

    Thank you