Sponsors vs No Sponsors

Top: Kassia Meador’s 5’4″ Mandala Arc-Swallowtail
Bottom: Your 5’4″ Mandala Arc-Swallowtail
Photos via The Swallowtail Society which has a much nicer camera than Surfy Surfy does.

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  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011

    First reaction would be to say the bottom one looks more beautiful…

    But we’d all have to retract that after seeing Kassia riding the top one!

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011

    Looks like a “Tomo” tail to me?

  • Oso Rojo
    January 28, 2011

    seeing some Daniel Thomson influence on this one, sweet board Manny!

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011

    looks like but mandala’s feels too diferent than tomo’s

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2011

    Gotta say Kassia rding whatever board is awesome. Shared waves with her many times and she is truly a class act. Have not seen her around the harbor lately and her smile is missed.