Little Orphan Eggie
Hello friends. This 6’6″ Bonzer 5 fin e-wing egg needs a good home. It was only ridden once or twice. It was abandoned by it’s owner and now resides in the Surfy Surfy Shelter for Orphaned Eggs. It needs a good loving home where it can carve down the line and make sections for someone with a generous heart and an empty rack in the quiver. Won’t you adopt an orphaned egg today?
Fees apply.
For more info email
UPDATE-sold to my friend Kevin!
December 29, 2010What are the specs??
How much shipped to France???
December 29, 2010WOW love the color!!! What is the glass on this board?
Surfy Surfy!
December 29, 2010This board is sold. Sorry guys.
I think it was a 5/4 combo.
December 29, 2010Does that mean 5/4oz deck 4oz bottom?
once these things hit the blog they’re gone!
December 29, 2010How much for another one
December 30, 2010there are a lot of days where that board would make you smile – someone is going to be a happy camper!