Surfing the Aqua Sea on a GH fishy
From wave hound Kevin Arnold,
My Mexico adventure was epic cubed: a triad of of surging, morphing, and mind-warpingly fun waves; and all the while my Commander Hanel quads and twins were sculpting and playing upon waves with psychic ease and intuitive flow. Thanks for the all interstellar overdrive and my special surfysurfy flux capacitor, cruising through space-time with pure, undifferentiated, howling stoke!!!
September 27, 2010You failed to use “intergalactic, cosmic, karma, zen, LSD,” and “hippie” – please try again.
September 27, 2010but did the trip involve explosive diarrhea?
ain’t an epic mexico trip unless
September 27, 2010Mathematically, undifferentiated would be original, differentiated would be prime and integral would be a step up in the process. If we take the differential a step further we might accelerate the process.
September 29, 2010uh…….hu hu…?