Battle of the Blogs: The Final

It’s the morning of the final. Put on your star trunks and vote.
Surfy Surfy endorses the independent DIY blog Korduroy TV over Reef’s corpo party blog, Follow the Fish.
It’s going to be tough for Kord to compete with those photoshopped Reef babes so every vote counts.
To vote click here.

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  • Korduroy offers you his protection.

  • Ed Ho
    August 5, 2010

    No offense, love this and Korduroy site, but if reef and Fish are throwing a party with their thonged ladies, I am all over it 🙂

  • Cy
    August 5, 2010

    Fo Sho,
    The Fish is hilarious. Reef is cool and are throwing us a couple bucks for our “Get Stoked Tour” coming up.. We are not the bastion of surf purity like surfy surfy but thanks for supporting us JP!

  • Surfy Surfy!
    August 5, 2010

    All I can say is thank god blogs didn’t exist when I was in my early 20’s.

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2010

    paul fisher is an asshole! my nephew and i paddled out in 2ft Oceanside slop, and then paul paddled out with 2 other reef pros and my nephew got in his way. Paul told a 15 yr, respectful kid, he was gonna smash his face in. I’ll never buy reef crap again!