Epic guerrilla art installation which appeared overnight at the infamous Cardiff Kook.

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  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    mellowest town. I love how you guys rip on your shrine.

  • Local
    July 25, 2010

    Dear Anonymous,

    Since when did the Cardiff Kook become a shrine? I’m guessing you’re not from around here… J.P. refers to the status as ‘infamous’ for a reason. The artist charged $120,000 for a statue that insulted most of the local surfers; hence the fact he’s called The Cardiff Kook. So if this is the way the community is managing to embrace it, so be it.

    A Local

  • Toddy
    July 25, 2010

    That’s a rad bit of solid-state graffiti.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    haha! thats friken awesome! when is the non-kook statue going up?

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    “…statue that insulted most of the local surfers”

    Hey man, sometimes the truth hurts. 90% of the surfers out at Cardiff Reef surf as bad or worse than the kook. There are a bunch of “real” waves around SD, it is what it is-don’t take it so seriously broski.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    San Diego County, home of the greatest abundance of truly horrible public art in the world. Without the ocean, we’d be in Dallas.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    Wow maybe I should look into moving to Dallas if it is as nice as you say. I always thought Dallas was a shit hole, go figure…

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    no bud I’m from Laguna. WAY COOLER.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010

    Laguna is in San Diego County?

  • Anyway, back to the shark… The bar was raised on this one, what will top the shark? Can’t wait to find out.

  • Local
    July 25, 2010

    “Hey man, sometimes the truth hurts. 90% of the surfers out at Cardiff Reef surf as bad or worse than the kook.”Dear Anonymous BROSKI,

    Try to be a little more open minded, sounds like you’re the one taking things seriously. What’s wrong with self expression when it doesn’t hurt anyone?

    Oh and a few items of clarification, just for “fun”:

    (a) Not every local that surfs, surfs at Cardiff Reef. Some of us surf a variety of breaks.

    (b) Not everyone that surfs Cardiff Reef, is a kook. Take a look around next time you’re in the lineup. Maybe if someone is calling you off a wave there’s good reason… maybe that person is a kook that’s going over the falls, and maybe you goofed on your surf etiquette and dropped in (we all do it, even if we don’t mean to).

    (c) Oh and the last one is the funnest point of all (I’m smiling as I type this) because it drives home the point about keeping an open mind… I’m not a Man, I’m a Woman!

    A Local Female Surfer

    P.S. @ Mike… I totally agree. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Perhaps a “jump the shark” stunt will be in order.

  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2010

    Did you guys read about how shark fins were being spotted across the rail road tracks up to a week before the shark appeared, as if the shark was stalking it prey? Just brilliant! Its things like this that remind me that we are not all yuppies and republicans here in North County. We have some truly creative minds in our neck of the woods.