Battle of da Blogs
The BIG HUGE issue of Surfer magazine has a page dedicated to a contest they are hosting called Battle of the Blogs. It pits 32 blogs against in each other in a popularity contest for the best surf blog.
Surfy Surfy has been entered and we are up against World Pro Surfers in the first round.
World Pro Surfers is a pretty good blog about pro surfing. They use a more updated style blog than we use on good ‘ol Surfy Surfy (which is still on the old school ratty Blogger platform, hee hee).
Surf blogging is pretty much a group hug but the contest sounds fun and we thank Surfer Magazine for including us.
Voting begins July 5th. Click here to vote!
July 7, 2010Anastasia Ashley is much better lookin, I’m voting for her