Battle of da Blogs

The BIG HUGE issue of Surfer magazine has a page dedicated to a contest they are hosting called Battle of the Blogs. It pits 32 blogs against in each other in a popularity contest for the best surf blog.

Surfy Surfy has been entered and we are up against World Pro Surfers in the first round.
World Pro Surfers is a pretty good blog about pro surfing. They use a more updated style blog than we use on good ‘ol Surfy Surfy (which is still on the old school ratty Blogger platform, hee hee).
Surf blogging is pretty much a group hug but the contest sounds fun and we thank Surfer Magazine for including us.
Voting begins July 5th. Click here to vote!

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1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    July 7, 2010

    Anastasia Ashley is much better lookin, I’m voting for her