2 Month Anniversary of Surfy Surfy Surf Shop!

Today is the 2 month anniversary of Surfy Surfy Surf Shop. We are beyond stoked on the overwhelming support we have received from the local and global surf community. We humbly thank you, thank you, thank you.
Our goals at Surfy Surfy Surf Shop are to promote and support the handcrafted surfboards glassed at Moonlight Glassing, create a community hub for locals and visitors, and be part of the mainstreet 101 revitalization that is happening in Leucadia (a community just a few years ago some influential developers tried to declare blighted).
Surfy Surfy Surf Shop is a longterm project and every week the shop improves in some way. Thank you all for your patience, feedback and support.
Look for future blog post about my crew behind the scenes who have made all this possible. I’ve been getting all the credit in the press coverage but without the good people backing me on this thing none of it would exist.
JP St Pierre
President of the Mega-Corporation Surfy Surfy.
If you are in the area come to our customer appreciation night Friday July 9th with live music by the Red Fox Tails. More details click here.

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  • Anonymous
    July 1, 2010

    Beautiful building for a surf shop. Can’t wait to make it down soon. Congrats on the new baby.

  • Christian
    July 2, 2010

    Next time I escape L.A. I’m coming by. Can’t wait to check everything out!

  • brownfish
    July 2, 2010

    Mrs. Brownfish said she would make cookies for the party if she got her cookie bin back. G

  • Steve and Cher Pendo
    July 2, 2010

    Congratulations on your two month anniversary! We look forward to seeing you soon.
    Cher and Steve

  • osorojo623
    July 3, 2010

    Nice to meet ya’ll yesterday, thx for the BumbleBonzer loaner too. Cheers!

  • greg.lantz
    July 6, 2010

    Best shop in San Diego. Thanks for the Liddle Flex fin Saturday. Works perfectly.