Two Long Boards

On display at Surfy Surfy Surf Shop is Greg Long’s winning Eddie contest board shaped by Chris Christenson. We are really stoked that Chris and Greg are letting us borrow it and people really enjoy seeing it in person. Chris Christenson’s factory and Moonlight Glassing share a wall and I have been telling shop visitors that the Eddie board was a collab between Chris’s shop and Moonlight. However, it turns out I got the Eddie board confused with Greg’s other big wave gun with a similar color scheme.
So, the Eddie board, pictured left, was glassed at Michael Miller’s shop. The board on the right was glassed at Moonlight. Pictured below is Chris and Greg with both boards after the contest.
I apologize for error.

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  • noserider
    June 3, 2010

    Siiick! Reason #1099 to get yer arse to the Surfy shop!

  • Festus P.
    June 3, 2010

    Whatever the case, I’m still hoping to demo it at Terramar tomorrow.

  • Anonymous
    June 4, 2010

    Did Larry Crowe do the resin panels?