Ross getting loose in da lip

Ross Garrett getting loose in Fiji on his Bonzer 5 fin.
Ross knows I like surf photos where you can see the Bonzer fins so he took extra care to keep it on a rail.
Yes, he pulled it. How dare you ask such a thing?
This is the board Ross is riding.
It’s 6’2″ x 18 1/2″ x 2 3/16″
Ross appeared on Surfy Surfy the very first day I started, on Friday October 21 2005.
Surf photos courtesy of Ross Garrett, taken by Jeremy Wilmotte.

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  • Jason
    June 4, 2010

    Is that a standard issue Bonzer fin? Looks like it has too much rake.

  • Surfy Surfy!
    June 4, 2010

    Ross dances to the beat of his own drummer so he uses different fins in his Bonzers. He says it’s a 7″ but doesn’t remember what template.

  • Anonymous
    June 4, 2010

    Back to back post of guys doing airs on non trifins. sicky sicky surfy surfy.

  • Justin
    June 4, 2010

    Yeah Ross!! ripping as usual. Looks like a Rusty Flex to me but its hard to tell.

  • Anonymous
    June 4, 2010

    Looks like it’s tracking, even in mid-air 😉

  • Anonymous
    June 4, 2010

    Maybe that’s been my problem! I’m not surfing enough in Fiji. Me likey likey.

  • Tim from HI.
    June 4, 2010

    These pics gotta stoke Malcolm out!! Good surfing, Ross! Love that Bonzer hold!
    Alooooha Friday from Big Island!
    On another note:
    **Thought & prayers go out to the Gulf oil disaster victims…the fish, dolphins, birds, & human beings devistated by this tragedy**To see pictures of oil soaked pelicans stuck in the oil muck and dolphins washed ashore full of oil…waay beyond saddening, waay beyond words. The full impact of the severity of the situation is far from being revealed. Absolutely Tragic. Not to parlay gloom & doom today, just reality and wreckless human greed for oil, failed safety prcedures and warnings on behalf of British Petroleum. The worst environmental disaster in history is getting bigger by the second. BP failed.
    God bless the clean up crew efforts.

  • Antoine
    June 4, 2010

    Anonymous said…
    Looks like it’s tracking, even in mid-air 😉

    Durn! Someone beat me to it!

  • dogleg
    June 5, 2010

    i’ve heard of that flex fin used before on the 5.

  • conventional wisdom
    June 5, 2010

    wait, i thought you couldn’t bust the tail out on bonzers??

  • Ross
    June 8, 2010

    There I go over-estimating again. Looks like it’s actually 6.5 inches, not 7. Don’t know the type…