1990 Elevated Wing Bonzer5 Southern California Gun

7’5 1/2″ length x 20 5/8″ width x 2 3/4″ thickness
This is my Dad’s board from the beginning days of the Campbell Brothers/Moonlight Glassing collaboration. He had this board made for southern California winters but I rode it quite a bit in northern California while my wife was living in San Francisco in 2001. I was hassled a few times for riding a “yum yum yellow” board in the Red Triangle but I never got eaten. Maybe the True Ames monster shark fin scared them off?

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  • Danimal
    March 25, 2010


  • Petey
    March 26, 2010

    It’s mine now! Thanks for purtying it up!

  • Jose.
    March 26, 2010

    Great board! I´ve a quaestion, how long has been the spider living in that fin? 😉