Taylor Knox “can’t do airs”

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  • e.
    February 24, 2010

    Oh how quickly they forget the first two Momentum videos.

  • plcasey1
    February 24, 2010

    Raw Power is sure to come a lookin’ for you

  • Cliff Clavin
    February 24, 2010

    Who are three people that have never been in my kitchen?

  • Wave Farmer
    February 25, 2010


  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2010

    …with turns like that, he doesn’t need to.

  • Paul H.
    February 25, 2010

    i like his airs they look good, they look like he’s skateboarding, he’s fully on top of the board unlike the usual airs u see where guys are kinda sideways, plus Taylor is a full on power surfer you put that stuff together and you get a well rounded pro surfer which he is.

  • alain
    February 25, 2010

    Taylor rips!
    Let the lightweights have their airs

  • DM
    February 25, 2010

    I agree with the comments above. His surfing is great without airs. Then again, my ideal is a cross between Curren and Lopez.

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2010

    my goodness, how many quality waves did taylor rip through in that two and a half minutes? More than I can probably hope to catch in my humble lifetime. I couldn’t tell, any of those on a bonzer maybe? Bee-u-tiful anyway.

  • everyone seems to have missed the point of the video. he actually does air. you just have to wait until half way through the vid, impatient plebs.