Working Quiver-Winter 2010

Here is what I’ve been riding this season:
Back row-left to right:

9’0″ Chris Christenson 3 fin glider for small crispy offshore days.
6’8″ Malcolm Campbell 5 fin Bonzer ewing egg for midnight full moon sessions.
6’6″ Guy Takayama GWAT for small high tide mornings.
Middle row-left to right:
6’6″ Malcolm Campbell 5 fin Bonzer semi-gun pintail for when it’s on.
5’11” Russ Hoyte Twinphinzer for fun beachbreaks and little secret reef.
5’7″ Rich Pavel Flexdialer turbo fin quad for all around town.
5’9″ 5 fin Thumb for when I need to get my surfy on.
5’11” Malcolm Campbell Mini-Merk Bonzer 5 fin. My no worries go to board that I love and will never, ever sell. Ever.
Also shown:
The same 6 ft Destination Surf leash I’ve been using since 2000.
Brownfish handplane and off the rack boogie board fins for bodysurfing because bodysurfing is where it’s at.
My awesome Japanese wetsuit I got from Manny Caro.

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  • sanada
    January 5, 2010

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • sanada
    January 5, 2010

    I am envious of you, man! BTW, is that by any chance an AXXE w.suit?

  • Anonymous
    January 5, 2010

    How do you decide what to pack? Good view from your bedroom?

    Wish you were 6′, weighed 200lbs and were an average surfer. I am losing it trying to scale those up.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Anonymous
    January 5, 2010

    my single winged pavel 5,6″ keel I cracked last week was by far the most insain fish I have ever surfed.

  • dogleg
    January 5, 2010

    yes. about the wetsuit. is that manny’s line? and is it a 3/3? and are they costly?
    i was screwed up with the pattagonia deal and just got free by selling my time share in a lifetime suit that did not work out.
    i need smoothie.

  • dogleg
    January 5, 2010

    oh, great post. we all wanna know what goes on when you can ride some of the best boards ever?
    loving the merk.

  • Surfy Surfy!
    January 5, 2010

    It’s not an Axxe. The tag says Neoprene Works Japan. I think it’s a 3/3. It’s very warm and comfy. The sleeves are a tad short for me but the rest of the suit fits great. The rubber is very soft and you have to be careful putting it on and taking it off. These suits wholesale for what most suits retail for.

  • Anonymous
    January 5, 2010

    I want a mini-merk

  • e.
    January 5, 2010

    Nice collection you have there.

  • Anonymous
    January 5, 2010

    it true you can nose ride on the GWAT?
    or do you just stick with the infamous thumb 😛

  • Mundo Reves
    January 5, 2010

    wicked quiver photo. awesome! i’m still daydreaming about that red semi-gun pintail bonzer you guys have in the lobby. siiiiick.

  • dogleg
    January 5, 2010

    putting on those fragile smoothie suits works great when you put a plastic bag over yer hands before going through suit.
    slides on like butter.

  • rob70
    January 6, 2010

    That quiver is all killer, no filler.

  • Anonymous
    January 6, 2010

    What about the flip flop pendo?

  • Anonymous
    January 9, 2010

    Flexdialer – I got one and you guys sent me to a repair shop that told me to go find the replacement Geppy fin and then they could fix it. then I called Roper’s, heck they said come on down we’ll get the fin for ya Geppy’s a friend and we’ll fix your magic board up good as new.

    when it truly matters and you want the best, go to Roper’s

  • Andrew
    December 9, 2010

    “My no worries go to board that I love and will never, ever sell. Ever.” ……. your very funny.

  • Surfy Surfy!
    December 9, 2010

    ARRRGH, why did I sell that board??? I am so lame. I mean, I did stoke that guy out, but dang.